Sekolah Menengah Pertama



In grades 6 to 8, SWA offers an academically challenging programme that integrates Cambridge Assessment International Educations (CAIE) syllabus content within the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) curriculum framework, according to national requirements and to the school’s Asian cultural identity.

Subjects taken: English, Indonesian, Chinese/Korean languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Individuals & Societies, Arts, Design (Computing), Physical & Health Education, plus the national programme subjects of Religion and Civics.

GRADES 9 TO 10 In…


In order to better prepare students for intended career pathways and entry into IB DP course selections, SWA has developed a Business plus Engineering, Science & Technology (B + EST) ‘streaming’ program. The BEST pathways enable students to study subjects that suit their interests and long-term career goals.

The Business (B) Stream is structured for students with university and career goals including but not limited to commerce, communications, enterprise, economics, finance, law and marketing.
The Engineering, Science & Technology (EST) Stream is structured for students with university and career goals including but not limited to architecture, all fields of engineering (e.g. aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, robotics & software), biotechnology, medicine, veterinary medicine, astronomy, computer programming, and website development.


In grades 6 to 8, SWA offers an academically challenging programme that integrates Cambridge Assessment International Educations (CAIE) syllabus content within the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) curriculum framework, according to national requirements and to the school’s Asian cultural identity.

Subjects taken: English, Indonesian, Chinese/Korean languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Individuals & Societies, Arts, Design (Computing), Physical & Health Education, plus the national programme subjects of Religion and Civics.

    09 dari 09

    Program Sekolah Menengah Pertama

    National Programme

    National Programme

    To ensure that both national and international students appreciate the culture and values of the host nation, all students follow a Civics or Indonesian Studies course.

    In addition, students are required to take a religious education programme in one of the religions recognised by the Indonesian constitution.

    The BEST Pathways (Grade 9 - 10)

    The BEST Pathways (Grade 9 - 10)

    The BEST Pathways

    Both of the curriculum pathways in the Junior High School are designed to meet MYP and national requirements. Since the content of many courses is taken from Cambridge Assessment International Education syllabi, students in both pathways take International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations at the end of Grade 10.


    BEST Foundation Subjects


    Indonesian / Korean


    Physical & Health Education

     BEST  Subject Options





    Computer Science

    Business Studies


    Global Perspectives

    Visual Arts




    In arts, students have opportunities to function as artists, as well as learners of the arts. Students develop through creating, performing and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences and ideas. The knowledge, skills and attitudes that students develop in arts courses provide a meaningful foundation for further study and help to prepare students for careers in any people-oriented field of employment.

    Framework for Arts

    In order to give the students an opportunity to meet the Arts objectives at the highest level, Art is offered as a series of distinct courses focusing on Music and Visual Arts.

    Physical and Health Education

    Physical and Health Education

    Physical education in the MYP is concerned with more than just participating in sports and games. Its primary aims are to encourage the development of “intelligent performers” and to encourage students to understand the importance of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

    Sports Facilities

    SWA has some of the best sports facilities in Indonesia:

    • 2 large indoor gymnasiums for indoor activities, including basketball
    • an outdoor field for athletics, soccer, rugby, baseball and other team games
    • a dance room for movement, fitness and aerobics
    • a swimming pool
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